Recommended Riding Helmets 

Horseback Helmet for Beginners

One of the first pieces of equipment we recommend getting is an ASTM certified helmet. (Click here to see my list of all the best budget-friendly helmets.) No matter what type of riding you plan on doing, you’ll need a reliable helmet to keep you safe. It’s important that you exercise caution when selecting a helmet because some helmets are not actually made for riding, but just for looks. That said, here are 3 of my favorite riding helmets that are ASTM certified.

The Ovation Deluxe Schooler Helmet (link to check the price on Amazon) is a great option for beginner and seasoned riders. Not only is it ASTM certified, but it also comes at a reasonable price, has great reviews, and offers a variety of colors to choose from. There’s even a visor to keep the sun out of your eyes that will easily break away in the event of a collision.

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly, entry-level riding helmet, the Troxel Sport Schooling Helmet (link to check the price on Amazon) is ASTM certified and will do the job nicely in the event of a fall. It was one of the first helmets we used, and it served us well in our early riding years.

The Charles Owen Ayr8 Helmet (link to check the price on Amazon) is the perfect helmet if you’re ready to show your horse in the equestrian big leagues. It’s ASTM certified and comes loaded with features that you won’t find in less expensive helmets. Skull cap helmets offer a level of safety due to leaving out the design of a visor. While visors are nice for blocking out the sun, they could cause injury to your neck and back if you happen to fall face-first. 

For the eventers out there or horseback riders who are looking for a durable skull cap helmet, try Charles Owen Pro II Skull Helmet. Skull cap helmets offer an extra level of safety due to leaving out the design of a visor. While visors are nice for blocking out the sun, they could cause injury to your neck and back if you happen to fall face-first. 

Recommended Safety Vests

Protective riding vests are usually seen at cross country events, on the foxhunting field, and sometimes in the jumper ring. Some riders will wear these vests when riding a younger freshly-broke horse as chances of falling off are higher. These vests are designed to give extra protection and cushion if you were to fall. They also manage to give peace of mind to more those who may be concerned more about their safety.

If you ride the eventer circuit, foxhunt, or would just like a little more safety while riding, it may be a good idea to get a protective riding vest. These vests are made to give you a little extra cushion in the event of a fall. The Zerone Equestrian Protector, Adults Equestrian Protective Vest is a very cheap option that is breathable, water-resistant, and won’t affect your range of mobility while riding.

For something a little more heavy duty, we recommend the Jili Online Adults Equestrian Protective Vest. This vest has extra layers of protective material and is certified to BETA 2009 Level 3. While more expensive than the Zerone Equestrian Protector, this vest is still reasonably priced and offering maximum protection.

Recommended Reflective Gear

Having reflective gear on hand can be useful if you frequently ride in residential areas or along roads. Your visibility is of the utmost importance when it comes to motorists flying by. Having gear that can be seen from a distance will notify upcoming cars, bicycles, and runners of your presence way ahead of time.

Planning to be riding at dusk, near roads, or even into the dark of night? Wearing reflective gear will make you well seen and noticed by motorists or passers-by. The GoxRunx 2 Pack Reflective Running Vest Gear will give you quality visibility for a very reasonable price.

If you’re looking for something more built for horseback riding, we recommend the 247 Viz Blaze – Reflective Vest 360. This entire vest lights up and will definitely make your presence known.

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Carmella Abel, Pro Horse Trainer

Hi! I’m Carmella

My husband and I started Equine Helper to share what we’ve learned about owning and caring for horses. I’ve spent my whole life around horses, and I currently own a POA named Tucker. You can learn more here.

Thank you for reading, and happy trails!

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